Tips for a Successfull Pay Per Click (PPC) Campaign this Holiday Season

The holiday season offers your business a chance to make more sales than you probably have so far during the year. An effective pay-per-click (PPC) ad strategy will go a long way in boosting conversion rates and helping your business stay competitive. In ordinary circumstances, running an ad campaign is tough, so how do you run a successful PPC campaign when everyone else is doing it?

Here are some tips:

  1. Leverage previous year’s PPC data: If you had a PPC campaign last year, go ahead and dive into the data. You will get invaluable ideas such as best sales day, when sales drop off and so much more. Google Trends also help you learn when search interest rises for your popular keywords.
  2. Catchy holiday ads: Come up with a Holiday specific ad copy that makes your target customers feel this is a special time to be shopping. Build a sense of urgency with your ads to convert browsers into buyers.
  3. Carry out a website update: However good your ad copy is, you will not convert if your website is not backing this up. Use holiday sales header or a graphic on all pages and don’t forget to make the user experience seamless.
  4.  Go for trendy keywords: Your PPC AdWords campaigns must reflect the season to increase traffic and boost conversion rates.
  5. Mobile-friendly PPC campaign: Carry out a mobile audit to evaluate your ads in terms of mobile-friendliness. Remember more sales are happening on mobile devices and you must be ready for these consumers.

A good Pay per Click (PPC) for this holiday season will guarantee higher conversion rates and get you new customers. 

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