What do the Three Levels of ADA Compliance entail?


ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliance sets the guidelines for web accessibility and is essential for businesses to reach a wider audience. It's important to know that there are different levels of ADA compliance, each requiring a certain amount of effort and cost.
The three levels of ADA compliance are A, AA, and AAA.

Level A is the most basic ADA compliance standard, requiring accessibility features such as navigation tools that allow users to bypass content blocks and an HTML version of all content.

Level AA goes beyond level A by including features like text alternatives for non-text content like images or videos, closed captions on video files, and more consistent designs.

Level AAA is the highest level of compliance and requires more comprehensive audio/visual descriptions and an easy-to-use interface for all users.

Businesses should be aware that investing in different levels of ADA compliance can help expand their customer base and protect them from potential lawsuits. The right approach will depend on their budget and specific customer needs. Whether a business opts for level A, AA, or AAA, taking the right steps to ensure compliance will help them reach out to more customers and create an inclusive online experience.

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