EVERYONE CAN SEND OUT EMAILS , but not all of them are read or even opened. Web Cola Media knows the best ways to get your customers to engage, call 866-WEB-MEDIA


Email Marketing is the single most effective marketing tool to increase traffic to your website, improve your sales and convert visitors into clients. Big box companies allocate almost 70% of their marketing budget toward email marketing.

The Number One thing you should know, THE NUMBERS, you need large numbers for email marketing to work. A small online retailer would require at least 5,000 recipients to see sales as well as viable tracking data. A smaller local retailer at least 2,000, and local service industry – depending can be as little as 300 to 500.

When we design an email for broadcast, the email has to have certain things in place for it to be successful. A link back to your website from your organization's logo seems obvious but overlooked, plus the LOGO linking to the homepage is standard practice and expected.

If we create an email that has more text than graphics (EX. an accountant) we will include links back your site targeting landing pages from the body of the content. Whether we create an email content or graphic driven within 24 hours, our data will show what the recipients were interested in, and the next email campaign will be constructed.

Recycling your “View This Message in a Browser” or “Having Trouble Viewing This Message,” these HTML landing pages can be turned around into a traffic generating pages. Typically, after the campaign is over these pages are deleted. A method probably invented by the cool and cutting-edge Web Cola Media SEO marketing team … OK we are running a campaign for you for your Valentine’s Day Chocolate Heart Sales. We know that chocolate sales are slow in the summer, during Valentine’s Day we know to start planning for the slow summer sales. Your View This in Your Browser is called summer-chocolate.html.

During Valentine’s Day Sale, 10,000 people click on view in the browser link, and Google takes notice of webpage's that have received increases in traffic. After the Valentines Sale, the chocolate summer page is repurposed for the Summer Sale and has already a marketing head start.

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