The Sky Didn’t Fall When Mobilegeddon was Launched, but We Could See the Dark Clouds on the Horizon

In the early months after Mobilegeddon when we thought we would see undead dragging there rotting corpses around trying to eat people, we did not see a zombie apocalypse nor did we even see non-mobile websites being blocked on mobile devices in Google searches. By the summer of 2015,  we modified and made some changes,  however once  again, nothing in our sample group was consistent.

In the winter of 2015, as a test we “Googled” our client’s name on mobile devices and found each and every one would come up in Google Search whether the site was Mobile Ready or not. However, we did not allow our findings to make us complacent - the Google Mobilegeddon Algorithm is real and it’s only a matter of time before we’ll see the dark clouds on the horizon especially for the websites that where not compliant for Mobile Searches. Moving in 2016, the inconsistency continues not only for our client’s websites but the websites of our competition and our client’s competitors, with odd ball non-compliant websites shooting to the top, while perfectly coded and tagged websites are struggling to keep their placement.



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